Creatives Working Remotely

Are you self employed and work from home?
Do you sometimes lack motivation for your profession?

It doesn’t matter what job you do working from home can be great but it also has it’s downfalls.

If you don’t stick to a routine and stay motivated you can find yourself behind with projects and not performing to the best of your abilities.

You might be asking how do I inject energy into my working life. These 5 tips that I stick to 90% of the time help me keep motivated and working hard on all of my projects.

Create a better working routine

If you’re like me you enjoy your career and don’t have too much trouble getting up in the mornings. But not everyday is waking up in the perfect mood with bags of energy.

These are my 5 tips to help with a better working life…

1 Healthy eating

Making sure you are eating healthily sounds simple right?

But you would be surprised the amount of people who visit the greasy spoon or have lunch on the go every day and don’t realise what they are putting into their bodies.

Using the app myfitnesspal I have become more aware of what I consume and the amount of calories. This really helps me eat a balanced diet and keep my energy levels up if I have a big deadline to hit. I would highly recommend this bit app to help especially if you want to get your summer holiday beach body ready.

2 Sticking to a routine

I make sure my alarm is set at 7:30am everyday as if I was getting ready for the commute to a permanent job.

Freelancing does allow your work hours to be flexible but I find waking up and going to bed generally at the same time most days helps with sleep and ultimately more motivation.

I also find getting dressed as if you are going to work helps get me going for my working day. Rather than working on a laptop in front of the television in your PJ’s.

3 Regular exercise

Sitting at a desk all day is not good I have found myself getting all sorts if niggles throughout my body. Mainly due to slouching at my desk that has given me a bad back and shoulder over the years.

Another downside to sitting at a desk all day is your body doesn’t burn as many calories compared to an active job.

Exercise is good for keeping you motivated and helps give me more energy through out the day. It also has many mental health benefits as it affects the chemical levels dopamine and serotonin these help with your mood.

Healthy Body = Healthy Mind

4 Clearing your mind

Sometimes when I’m working on a project I can get stuck.
I’d say it’s similar to tunnel vision you keep looking at the design your working on and can clearly see that something isn’t quite right but have a mental block with how to fix the problem.

My solution has been step away from the computer! Go for a walk, move onto another project, do something you enjoy or even simply make a cuppa.

I find completely removing myself from a project can help massively when it comes to a creative block.

5 Meet people

This sounds like an odd one for people who work in a box room with the curtains closed hiding away from the big bad world and don’t really have to interact with anyone.

But meeting people isn’t so scary. I have recently been doing more of this and not only is it inspiring networking and meeting other creative professionals in my local area but it can also help with developing new business.

I’ve recently been attending and found everyone really friendly.

If you do some research there will definitely be similar networking events in your local area.


Now I’m not saying that these tips are going to work for you but they will definitely have some sort of an impact.

And I would be lying if I said that I stick to all of these religiously.
But if you try and stick to these as much as possible you will definitely feel the benefits.

If you do a lot of this already then great!
Keep doing what you are doing.

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